When we understand ourselves as souls evolve, learning from every mistake we can really be free, and without fear of "sin." "Sin" means "forgotten." If we understand why we forget that we are God, then we will feel that they always were. Karma
All Forgiveness. When we are linked in a karmic chain with other people, whom we hurt or harm us, it is necessary that at least one of those involved cutting the cord, with love forgiveness and forgive the other, understanding the real purpose of the situation from a higher perspective, the power of evil is dissipated and instead of creating more mutual negativity, cut the circle, and were free of that karma. The other person will feel the disconnect, you will feel the "cut" and recognize instinctively, at a cellular level, we are no longer willing to follow suit. Consequently, the relationship will be transformed. Ties with that soul shall be clean. And it will not keep on any debt, and from there, what happens or fails to occur will depend on our own choice, more than ever, because there will be no pattern to follow, and there is no "karma" tugging at our acts. Each time a diluted karma, we feel a huge release, the satisfaction of having achieved a goal, we freed ourselves from a claw invisible. We began to notice things we had never seen, to appreciate everything we learned. When this happens, we know we have reached a new level of consciousness. Thanks to that relationship grew. Due to these difficulties, we overcome our own inner obstacles. Thanks that person, to that difficulty, the pain, today we are closer to true love
There is no God who is waiting to weigh and send our souls to Heaven or Hell for what we have done. The only trial that will face us is ours. Our view is you do to live Heaven or Hell, but not when disembodied ... "But here! Just as we judge will give us life and think about ourselves, is the happiness, fulfillment, the realization that we allow ourselves to be, or insecurity, suffering and the "punishment" we inflicted. No God but we can know whether what we do is "Right or wrong." There is no "good" and "bad" for spiritual insight, just one path that did not exist before us. A path that we build at will.
Let's crawl outside begging for forgiveness, the forgiveness of God does not exist. We are God. If we do not forgive, he can not do it. Forgiving
not repent of what has been done, or confess, or purging with a good action later. Truly forgive is to recognize that we act always good. We work according to our law and our Divine Free Choice. "We did it with malice, wrong, confused? Perhaps, but with the spiritual purpose of learning ... at the end: LEARN. No?
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