Forgiveness is the water clean and free of the past. If you really want to evolve, we must learn to forgive and forgive others.
Forgiveness is the ability to love despite what has happened, To love ourselves, accept ourselves as we are, with all faults, with all faults, as part of the growth process to settle. As humans are not perfect, we came to learn and explore a world of contrasts, where confusion prevails. We have that right: the right to err, to err, to choose evil or not choose at all, so that we will be "life" or others who manipulate our existence. But certainly that way, we will never find happiness.
We have the right to waste our embodiment, not even imagine that we can pursue happiness. It is logical to explore blindfolded stumble over an obstacle, with over a fence, with more than a bad thought, with more than a bad action, with all the bad thoughts and evil deeds of all people, like us, groping their way blindly around us, and we believe this is the only reality that exists. Now comes to us a bit of spiritual knowledge. Suddenly, we realize that we are not in this world by chance, our existence has a purpose, we have a task to do, something that requires us to take off the blindfold from his eyes. We came to grow, and enjoy the experience. We came to CHOOSE to live in freedom to reveal the most of our potential, and in the process interact with others, to learn what they can teach us and to provide our talents and our example.
came to discover that behind all appearances only prevalent Love you always were and always will be beings of love
We can if we want to deny the truth of who we are and the power we have, no will judge so. But we know that the time of our three-dimensional action on this scenario is not eternal. At some point, some circumstances will we wake up. And open your eyes and fall into account how our experience is ready, just to learn to find Happiness and Love that is our essence, then, soon we will blame. There will be nothing I can blame us!
If we go to our existence as an open field where an experiment of life, where you can try and try, and error until you find just the key that allows us to evolve and move forward, trying and trying new forms, new "truths" ... no longer have reason to disapprove.
Understanding this will help us to love, understand and develop tolerance to the actions of others, because they are free beings, like us, experimenting with his own game, your own way. They can never really hurt anyone. We are neither the body nor the soul, we are a Supreme Being, an eternal spirit and incorporeal, which is beyond the pain, impairment and suffering, which instantly loves him and understands everything, he loves everyone unlimited peers, who offered this game on its own will. Amar
is forgive, because forgiveness is the love that covers every stage of evolution. Where there is understanding there is no damage.
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