No one doubts that we are approaching a time inexorable of our history as a species. Even the skeptics can deny that something is happening on a global level, something that goes beyond the social and ecological conflicts, or the transformation of the scientific paradigm. For those who live this reality as an energetic experience to expand and connect, times have been accelerating. Growth abrupt severance of ties, disappearance of ailments almost without any treatment, heightened perception, synchronicities without limit. It seems that we were living in an amusement park where suddenly monumental have enabled all the special effects, while we tested all games at once. It is sometimes funny, sometimes shocking, but there still, find a purpose for every experience, feeling every moment as if it were your last. Some have found their own compass to stay on axis. Others are just now realizing that they need before actually finished crumble over their heads. In this editorial, today, I suggest twelve steps to avoid succumbing to the advent of 2012.
Yesterday was recommended, it is now vital. Daily meditation is the fuel of our body and soul to go this time. Do it simple: three phases, conscious breathing, body relaxation, the arrival of light. The simpler, more easily be incorporated as a habit
We can not continue to live each day as he boards a plane and the pilot says: Take me wherever you want. We need a map. Every morning, write in their journals four things: the intention of the day, the intention of the month, the intention for the year, and the intention of a lifetime. May be changing daily, but will hold their shares.
Our dreams are guiding us in the direction of our evolution. They have always done, but now it has become much more necessary to pay attention what they say. Practice dream recall, record it or not understand, share it with others.
Ancient past relationships and characters are showing up in our field. The purpose is to end up closing all loose ends, detached from that which reflects our old way of being. Despidanse genuinely, with farewell letters include: gratitude, forgiveness and taking responsibility for cutting. Find that they receive in return a remarkable energy.
Meet with peers, with those who share this philosophy of life. The change will find us together. Participate events, exhibitions, global meditations, forums ... Stay tuned. Attend courses and seminars. Generate their own sacred circles.
Mother Earth is evolving along with us. In fact, she is the initiator of this movement and the founding reason that we are turning toward a higher destiny. It is the ship that carries us through the cosmos. Let's rituals in the most simple and universal: leaving an offering of food and love to her and her creatures.
Feeling the sun, even on the terrace, although it is raining ... make contact with natural power at every opportunity they have. Walk instead of taking a taxi, watch the signs of wind, feather clouds. Carguense of vitality and purity.
8. ART
Expresense creatively, even when they feel they have no artistic ability. The art is inherent to the species, only that we have been conditioned to accept only certain creative ways. Paint, model, draw, sing, dance, act. Do it alone or with other people but let the soul speak in your own code, which is the art.
9. Hold onto YOUR DREAMS
Every soul has a dream, and that is its north. Find what makes them happy and keep their mark. Permanently give up all those prejudices and limiting beliefs tell them what is possible "and what its mission no.Encuentren.
10. karmic cleansing
Our energy fields are full of waste are no longer functional to our growth. In the past, maybe we would have taken years to understand and transmute the remains of karmic experiences. Today, the acceleration and changes in our DNA crystallization old pop. Clean up what's left of them working on chakras, sound healing, energy work or what they have at hand.
11. REST
All this produces in us becoming an unaccustomed fatigue. The matter is more slow to adjust their dynamics to that of consciousness. Protect yourself enough rest, and more. If you can, take a nap every now and then, no matter what time of day. If you can not replace any output "compromise" with time for you, quiet relaxation and sleep.
12. Senior Assistant
We are being accompanied by spiritual entities of different colors and frequencies, but with the same great project: to witness the wonderful moment when a species moves from one dimension to another (yeah! us!). To some extent, can help loving connections, encouragement and inspiration.
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