Sunday, December 26, 2010

Water Short Circuited Smoke Alarm


When we understand ourselves as souls evolve, learning from every mistake we can really be free, and without fear of "sin." "Sin" means "forgotten." If we understand why we forget that we are God, then we will feel that they always were. Karma
All Forgiveness. When we are linked in a karmic chain with other people, whom we hurt or harm us, it is necessary that at least one of those involved cutting the cord, with love forgiveness and forgive the other, understanding the real purpose of the situation from a higher perspective, the power of evil is dissipated and instead of creating more mutual negativity, cut the circle, and were free of that karma. The other person will feel the disconnect, you will feel the "cut" and recognize instinctively, at a cellular level, we are no longer willing to follow suit. Consequently, the relationship will be transformed. Ties with that soul shall be clean. And it will not keep on any debt, and from there, what happens or fails to occur will depend on our own choice, more than ever, because there will be no pattern to follow, and there is no "karma" tugging at our acts. Each time a diluted karma, we feel a huge release, the satisfaction of having achieved a goal, we freed ourselves from a claw invisible. We began to notice things we had never seen, to appreciate everything we learned. When this happens, we know we have reached a new level of consciousness. Thanks to that relationship grew. Due to these difficulties, we overcome our own inner obstacles. Thanks that person, to that difficulty, the pain, today we are closer to true love

There is no God who is waiting to weigh and send our souls to Heaven or Hell for what we have done. The only trial that will face us is ours. Our view is you do to live Heaven or Hell, but not when disembodied ... "But here! Just as we judge will give us life and think about ourselves, is the happiness, fulfillment, the realization that we allow ourselves to be, or insecurity, suffering and the "punishment" we inflicted. No God but we can know whether what we do is "Right or wrong." There is no "good" and "bad" for spiritual insight, just one path that did not exist before us. A path that we build at will.

Let's crawl outside begging for forgiveness, the forgiveness of God does not exist. We are God. If we do not forgive, he can not do it. Forgiving

not repent of what has been done, or confess, or purging with a good action later. Truly forgive is to recognize that we act always good. We work according to our law and our Divine Free Choice. "We did it with malice, wrong, confused? Perhaps, but with the spiritual purpose of learning ... at the end: LEARN. No?

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Forgiveness is the water clean and free of the past. If you really want to evolve, we must learn to forgive and forgive others.

Forgiveness is the ability to love despite what has happened, To love ourselves, accept ourselves as we are, with all faults, with all faults, as part of the growth process to settle. As humans are not perfect, we came to learn and explore a world of contrasts, where confusion prevails. We have that right: the right to err, to err, to choose evil or not choose at all, so that we will be "life" or others who manipulate our existence. But certainly that way, we will never find happiness.

We have the right to waste our embodiment, not even imagine that we can pursue happiness. It is logical to explore blindfolded stumble over an obstacle, with over a fence, with more than a bad thought, with more than a bad action, with all the bad thoughts and evil deeds of all people, like us, groping their way blindly around us, and we believe this is the only reality that exists. Now comes to us a bit of spiritual knowledge. Suddenly, we realize that we are not in this world by chance, our existence has a purpose, we have a task to do, something that requires us to take off the blindfold from his eyes. We came to grow, and enjoy the experience. We came to CHOOSE to live in freedom to reveal the most of our potential, and in the process interact with others, to learn what they can teach us and to provide our talents and our example.

came to discover that behind all appearances only prevalent Love you always were and always will be beings of love

We can if we want to deny the truth of who we are and the power we have, no will judge so. But we know that the time of our three-dimensional action on this scenario is not eternal. At some point, some circumstances will we wake up. And open your eyes and fall into account how our experience is ready, just to learn to find Happiness and Love that is our essence, then, soon we will blame.
There will be nothing I can blame us!

If we go to our existence as an open field where an experiment of life, where you can try and try, and error until you find just the key that allows us to evolve and move forward, trying and trying new forms, new "truths" ... no longer have reason to disapprove.

Understanding this will help us to love, understand and develop tolerance to the actions of others, because they are free beings, like us, experimenting with his own game, your own way. They can never really hurt anyone. We are neither the body nor the soul, we are a Supreme Being, an eternal spirit and incorporeal, which is beyond the pain, impairment and suffering, which instantly loves him and understands everything, he loves everyone unlimited peers, who offered this game on its own will. Amar

is forgive, because forgiveness is the love that covers every stage of evolution. Where there is understanding there is no damage.

How To Do Side Fringe Weave


Ever heard of 2012 as a year that something will happen?

Well, first there are several prophecies that indicate this date as an important point in the history of mankind, but the most significant is the end of the Mayan calendar, whose prophecy has been interpreted in different ways, more negative think that this year the world ends, but it will not, we know that this year begins a new era the Age of Aquarius.

This has to do with the rotation of the entire solar system (solar cycle) that passes through 12 different eras and each lasts for 5,125 years. The era in which we are called era of Pisces, started the year ending 3113 and 2012.

The truth is that the planet is changing its state of vibration and this change has intensified since 1989 where the magnetic poles moved last 20 years that had not happened in thousands of years. If there is a change in the magnetism of the earth, there is a change not only awareness but also to adapt physically to this new vibration. No changes only on our planet, but affect the entire universe, and science today can announce it. Learn about changes in solar storms (which are magnetic storms) and you'll see that scientists are aware of these things, or ask a flyer about the displacement of the magnetic poles in recent years, as the airports have had to modify their instruments.

This change in magnetism is reflected as an increase of light, an increase of the planetary vibration. I go to understand more easily know that this vibration is affected and intensified by the consciousness of all humans. Every thought, each emotion, each new awakening of someone God-consciousness raises the vibration of the planet. This may seem a paradox, since most people see around more hatred and misery, but it is not. Each

choose where to focus his eyes, see only darkness those who are focused on the drama, pain and injustice. If you do not see the spiritual progress of humanity has had is because you have not focused on it, but if you do the right job and free your mind from negative will open a space where you can manifest your divine essence that will put the focus of is really going on in humanity and the planet. "We are raising our consciousness as never before.

What! ... can not you see the dark? I can say ...

Yes, I see, but do not identify with her, not afraid. ... How am I going to fear the dark if the light I see so clearly? ... of course I understand those who are afraid, because I was standing in that place where it just looked bad.'s why now I feel love for all.

Darkness is not a force that pushes you to be more bad or live with more hatred, darkness is not a force from the light, is the absence of light, you can not invade light with darkness, does not work like the principle of light. The fear, the drama, injustice, hatred and unhappiness states exist only in darkness, because you can not see the overall context in which your life unfolds, and the only way to see from the light when you're there is through of faith. Once you increase your frequency of vibration (consciousness) into the darkness you will see and understand what you've experienced.

But ... How can you say that if the world is more evil every day? ...

No more evil ... what there is "more light", and that I'm talking about.

Imagine you have a room or cellar for years where you keep your stuff and is illuminated by a 40W bulb. Change the bulb to a 100 w and you'll see what happens there. You see the mess and dust that you thought did not exist. The soil will be more clear. This is what is happening, and this is what makes possible that many will read this and not seem crazy as it might have been a few years ago.

Have you noticed that today lies and deception come to the surface faster than before? ... Well, access to the understanding of God and the workings of life is also faster than before.

This new vibration of the planet is one that has everyone nervous, depressed or ill, because in order to receive more light individuals must change both physically and mentally. They must sort out their cellars because every day I get more light into your consciousness and as much as they want help, they should choose to put to work and start cleaning or living in the middle of the pen.

This change causes physical pain in the bones that doctors can not solve because it is not a disease that causes. You say it's stress and it is not, it is accumulated negative emotions, these fears and anxieties, it is the dust accumulated for years now are looking to be cleaned. There

nights when you wake up and reveal a few hours. Do not fret, read a book, see TV, meditate, do not fight thinking that something is wrong with you is the new planetary vibration absorbing you, you'll go to sleep and the next day not feel lack of sleep. If you channel

While this process will be more intense pain and I diagnosed fibromyalgia, which is a name that medicine has given these pains that have no apparent cause and those who do not propose any concrete results therapy alone is prescribed antidepressants to evade the opportunity to change your life.

Again you choose what you really want to live, only this time the drama is more intense and of course the love too. If you increase the light, too does the lack of it, this explains why there is so much senseless violence in recent years.

We are living the best time that humanity has ever lived, and players will witness the biggest transformation of consciousness ever imagined. Learn

, awakens your concern about these issues, science knows that something is happening, you know that something is happening, be aware actor these days, do not get caught scared because you do not know what happens.

Sai Baba

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Diane Pills Breast Enlargement


Winter Images, Scraps and Graphics
I'll be a few days away and wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas s .

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Terminal Leave Employment

I know it is time for salads, but these lands are at 24 and 26 degrees and still feel like a salad.


1 cup wild rice
2 eggs 1 can corn
1 / 2 cucumber 1 can

bell pepper Olive oil and balsamic vinegar Salt and pepper


rice is made as directed on package. It passes through cold water and set aside.
an omelette is made with 2 eggs is finite type crepes.
is part cucumber, and bell pepper tortilla into small squares and added to rice, I also add corn.
vinaigrette is made with olive oil, salt, pepper and balsamic vinegar and put it on top.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Where To Buy A Strong Magnet

saw this recipe on the blog Rocio Cookers Piu, I loved it and signed up for it, is a rich custard and very smooth, I recommend it.


1 liter cream 2 packets
curd 1 cup sugar (for water)
1 cup milk caramel


Put all ingredients
in a bowl and whisk.

Once we put it in shakes a saucepan and let stirring occasionally as it tends to stick.

When we start to cook it 3 minutes and remove from heat. Caramelized

a mold, pour the mix and we put in the fridge for a minimum of two hours.

stripping and decorate as you wish, in this case I have adorned cream.

Hope you like it.

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No one doubts that we are approaching a time inexorable of our history as a species. Even the skeptics can deny that something is happening on a global level, something that goes beyond the social and ecological conflicts, or the transformation of the scientific paradigm. For those who live this reality as an energetic experience to expand and connect, times have been accelerating. Growth abrupt severance of ties, disappearance of ailments almost without any treatment, heightened perception, synchronicities without limit. It seems that we were living in an amusement park where suddenly monumental have enabled all the special effects, while we tested all games at once. It is sometimes funny, sometimes shocking, but there still, find a purpose for every experience, feeling every moment as if it were your last. Some have found their own compass to stay on axis. Others are just now realizing that they need before actually finished crumble over their heads. In this editorial, today, I suggest twelve steps to avoid succumbing to the advent of 2012.


Yesterday was recommended, it is now vital. Daily meditation is the fuel of our body and soul to go this time. Do it simple: three phases, conscious breathing, body relaxation, the arrival of light. The simpler, more easily be incorporated as a habit


We can not continue to live each day as he boards a plane and the pilot says: Take me wherever you want. We need a map. Every morning, write in their journals four things: the intention of the day, the intention of the month, the intention for the year, and the intention of a lifetime. May be changing daily, but will hold their shares.


Our dreams are guiding us in the direction of our evolution. They have always done, but now it has become much more necessary to pay attention what they say. Practice dream recall, record it or not understand, share it with others.


Ancient past relationships and characters are showing up in our field. The purpose is to end up closing all loose ends, detached from that which reflects our old way of being. Despidanse genuinely, with farewell letters include: gratitude, forgiveness and taking responsibility for cutting. Find that they receive in return a remarkable energy.

Meet with peers, with those who share this philosophy of life. The change will find us together. Participate events, exhibitions, global meditations, forums ... Stay tuned. Attend courses and seminars. Generate their own sacred circles.


Mother Earth is evolving along with us. In fact, she is the initiator of this movement and the founding reason that we are turning toward a higher destiny. It is the ship that carries us through the cosmos. Let's rituals in the most simple and universal: leaving an offering of food and love to her and her creatures.

Feeling the sun, even on the terrace, although it is raining ... make contact with natural power at every opportunity they have. Walk instead of taking a taxi, watch the signs of wind, feather clouds. Carguense of vitality and purity.

8. ART

Expresense creatively, even when they feel they have no artistic ability. The art is inherent to the species, only that we have been conditioned to accept only certain creative ways. Paint, model, draw, sing, dance, act. Do it alone or with other people but let the soul speak in your own code, which is the art.

9. Hold onto YOUR DREAMS
Every soul has a dream, and that is its north. Find what makes them happy and keep their mark. Permanently give up all those prejudices and limiting beliefs tell them what is possible "and what its mission no.Encuentren.

karmic cleansing
Our energy fields are full of waste are no longer functional to our growth. In the past, maybe we would have taken years to understand and transmute the remains of karmic experiences. Today, the acceleration and changes in our DNA crystallization old pop. Clean up what's left of them working on chakras, sound healing, energy work or what they have at hand.

11. REST
All this produces in us becoming an unaccustomed fatigue. The matter is more slow to adjust their dynamics to that of consciousness. Protect yourself enough rest, and more. If you can, take a nap every now and then, no matter what time of day. If you can not replace any output "compromise" with time for you, quiet relaxation and sleep.

12. Senior Assistant

We are being accompanied by spiritual entities of different colors and frequencies, but with the same great project: to witness the wonderful moment when a species moves from one dimension to another (yeah! us!). To some extent, can help loving connections, encouragement and inspiration.


Boobs Boobs Boobs Boobs


Carlos Barrios (historian and anthropologist) said that the Mayan Day Watch are the dates of December 21, 2012 as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun is the beginning of a new era that will result and indicated by the crossing of the galactic Ecuador
solar meridian, where the earth is aligned with the center of the galaxy.
At dawn on December 21, 2012, the Sun rises to coincide with the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered a personification of the Sacred Tree, the Tree of Life, a tree remembered in all the world's spiritual traditions.
Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012, will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the earth, cleansing it and all that dwell upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration.
The process has already begun, Mr. Barrios suggested.
"Change is accelerating now and will continue to accelerate. "If the people of the earth can get to this 2012 date in good condition, without having destroyed too much of the planet, Mr. Barrios says, we will ascend to a new level, superior.
But to get there, we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to block the road.

From his understanding of the Mayan tradition and the calendars, Mr. Barrios offered a picture of where we are and of what might lie ahead on the road: the date specified in the schedule, the Winter Solstice of 2012 does not mark the end of the world.

"Humanity will continue - argues - albeit in a different way. Material structures will change. Thanks to that we will have the opportunity to be more human.
We are living in the era's most important Mayan calendars and prophecies. All the prophecies of the world, all traditions, are converging now. No time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era is action.
Many powerful souls have reincarnated in this era, with a lot of power. This applies to both sides, of light and darkness. "High magic is acting for both sides.
Things will change, but people will depend on how difficult or easy they are changes that occur. The economy is a fiction today. The first five years of transition, August 1987 to August 1992, marked the beginning of the destruction of the material world. We have progressed ten years deeper into the transition phase, and many of the so-called sources of financial stability are in fact hollow. The banks are weak.
This is a delicate moment for them. Could fail globally if we do not pay attention. If the banks go bankrupt ... we would be forced to rely on the land and our capabilities.
monetary systems would be in chaos, and we would have to rely on our direct relationship with the Earth for our food and shelter.
Both North and South Pole are being dismembered. The water level in the oceans will rise. However, at the same time, to rise from the ocean areas, especially near Cuba. Call
the Union: When he met with audiences in Santa Fe, Mr. Barrios told a story about the most recent Mayan New Year ceremonies in Guatemala.
said a respected elder, who lives all year in a solitary mountain cave, journeyed to Chichicastenango to speak to those attending the ceremony. The old man handed a simple and direct message.
I call human beings to unite in support of life and light.
Currently, each person or group go their own way. The elder of the mountains said "there will be hope if the people of the light can come together and unite in some way."
Thinking about it, Mr. Barrios explained: "We live in a world of polarity: day and night, male and female, positive and negative. Light and darkness need each other. They are a balance.
At present the dark side is very strong and has very clear what you want. Their visions and priorities are clearly established, and also their hierarchy. Are working in many ways we are unable to connect to the spiral Fifth World in 2012.
"On the light side, everyone thinks they are the most important, his own understanding or understandings of their group, are key. There is a diversity of cultures and opinions, so there is competition, diffusion and not a single focus. "
As Mr. Barrios sees it," the dark side works to block the merger, through denial and materialism . It also acts to destroy those who are working with light to bring the Earth to a higher level.
The dark side likes the energy of the Fourth World materialistic and decadent. They do not want change or want the fusion. They want to stay at this level, and fear the next. The dark power of the declining Fourth World can not be destroyed or expired.
is too loud and clear, and that's the wrong strategy. The dark can only be transformed when confronted with simplicity and open friendliness. This is what leads to fusion, a key concept for the World of the Fifth Sun "Mr. Barrios
indicated that the emerging era of the Fifth Sun will call attention to a much neglected element.
While the four traditional elements of earth, air, fire and water have dominated in the past several seasons, there will be a fifth element to consider in the era of the Fifth Sun: ether.

The dictionary defines ether as the rarefied element of heaven. Ether is a medium. Fills all space and transmits waves of energy in a wide range of frequencies, from cell phones to human auras.
What is "ethereal" is related to the regions beyond earth: the heavens. Ether, the element of the Fifth Sun is celestial and lacking in material substance, but no less real than wood, stone or flesh.
"Within the context of ether can be given a fusion of the polarities," Mr. Barrios said. "No more darkness or light in the people, but a fusion high above them."
But now, the field of darkness is not interested. It is organized to block it. To destabilize the Earth and its environment as we are not prepared for the alignment of 2012. We need to work together for peace and balance with the other side.
need to take care of the Earth that feeds and shelters us.
need to put all our minds and hearts for unity and fusion now, to face the other side and preserve life, to be prepared for this moment in history.
Mr. Barrios told his audiences in Santa Fe that we are at a critical moment in world history.
"We are unbalanced - he said - We can not continue playing. Our planet can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and take action. All are required. Are not here without a reason.
All who are here now have an important purpose. These are hard times, but special. We have the opportunity to grow, but we must be ready for this moment in history. "
Mr. Barrios offered a number of suggestions for helping people to walk balanced through the years ahead.
"The prophesied changes will be produced, - he said - but our attitudes and actions determine how harsh or mild they are. We need to act, make changes and choose people to represent us who understand and are going to decide policy actions to respect the Earth. Desarrollense
according to their own traditions and the call of his heart. But remember to respect differences and strive for unity.
Eat wisely. A large amount of food are either corrupted or dense subtle. Pay attention to what they put into their bodies. Learn to preserve food and conserve energy.
Learn some good breathing techniques to maintain control over his breathing. Sean
clear. Should adhere to a tradition with deep roots. No matter what tradition is, your heart will tell you, but you must have great roots.
live in a world of energy. An important task in these times is to learn to perceive or see the energy in everyone and everything: people, plants, animals.
It's going to be increasingly important as we get closer to the World of the Fifth Sun, it is associated with the element ether - the sphere that intertwines the lives and energy. Please contact
sacred sites on earth to pray for peace, and maintain respect for the Earth that gives us our food, clothing and shelter.
need to reactivate the energy of these sacred places. That is our task.
A simple but effective prayer technique, is to light a candle in white or pale blue. Ponder a moment in peace. Expresenle his intention to call and send that light to the leaders who have the power to bring war or peace.
We have a job to do. "
According to Mr. Barrios this is a crucially important moment for humanity and the Earth. Each person is important. If you have incarnated into this era, have a spiritual work take to balance the planet. Indian
the elders have opened the door to other races can come to the Mayan world to receive the tradition.

The Maya have long appreciated and respected the fact that there are a lot of other colors, other races and other spiritual systems.
"They know - said - that the fate of the Mayan world is related to the fate of the world." "The greatest wisdom lies in simplicity," Mr. Barrios advised before leaving Santa Fe
"Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. Nor complex is not developed. The real knowledge is free. Is coded in your DNA. All you need is within you.
Grandmasters have said from the beginning. Find your heart, and find their way. "

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Where Do Pigens Sleep


An easy recipe that is delicious, I saw the Special Blog Saavedra and loved it.


panga fillets 1 jar piquillo peppers
1 brick of cream 200ml.
1 onion Salt and pepper


are passed panga fillets in flour and fried. Reserve.

To chop the onion sauce tiny, we put it to soften and when it is we add the jar of piquillo peppers and cream, season and cook for 10 minutes.

We went through the blender and serve panga fillets topped with the sauce.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Honey Beige Paint Lowes


In late July I wrote an entry that set a precedent in order to 'measure' the value of pre-election polls. You can see here .

After parliamentary elections in Catalonia the result was this:

and what he said the survey by the Institute Noxa was 4 months before this one:

We see that, broadly speaking, the survey was right on the change of government in Catalonia to predict a CiU comprehensive victory (touching the absolute majority of 68 seats). Finally, it has remained at 62.

The fall has been greater than forecast by the survey (32 seats), down to 28.

The survey predicted that the PP did not change the number of seats and has a nice surprise to increase by 4 more from 14 to 18.

The thud of CKD was also higher in reality than predicted by the survey, from 21 seats to 10 (instead of 13 announced by the survey.)

With ICV hit full survey.

With C's completely wrong since the survey predicted that the parliamentary spectrum disappear, and yet, has won a seat, going to 4.

The survey also erred on the incorporation of new parties in parliament because it did not include any new ones. But in reality, the new party of Joan Laporta, SI, has managed 4 seats.

In summary, a simple calculation we can see that the average error of the survey was 3 seats up or down to the parties that have achieved parliamentary representation. What I think is a very fine result considering that the survey was administered to 4 months ahead of elections.

And that raises a disturbing but at the same time, an interesting question:

Surveys undoubtedly further improve prospecting techniques "may one day replace the electoral event itself? Will he be a day when a simple partial sample of the company duly removed, may replace an entire democratic vote, saving even have to make (and support) campaign?

Not to think with the millions of tons in ballots that would save us?

One thing is certain, it would be much more environmentally friendly and respectful to the planet.