Friday, January 7, 2011

The Wedding Dance Mount&blade Warband

On the afternoon of Thursday 16 diciembrea the 17:52 hours, the Company was dispatched to a call command 10-2, this mean, garbage and / or pasture burning in any public way, at the intersection of ave. Peru and 405 area Union.

The bomb was manned by Julio González (Conductor), Mauricio Torti (In charge), Claudio Cornejo and Francisco Soto.
Supposedly it would be small amount bush on the side of the road, without much difficulty.

The address given was incorrect, the fire was up in the San Cristobal hill Francisco Silva and Union Street. The flames threatened a dwelling of lightweight material with other houses also exposed to danger.
Firefighter by realizing the stage, immediately requested a pump and a tank car due to difficult access to fire and potential water supply problems.

Avenue Picture from Peru, was a thick gray smoke pouring from a wooden house, before it seems, is change the password to 10-0-1 "structural fire" with the request for a car portaescalas.
address is not corrected, because ave. Peru is a very good reference for where they should get braces.

Upon arrival of the call, the order was: "Army Stupid!" (Armada Reverse), the envelope was responsible for bringing Sub bed base, two horseshoes and the fast attack mode packet with a stopcock and python Protek of 200 gpm to protect the house in danger.

Fast Attack as "pack" with shutoff valve to facilitate the extension of the line.

was how Soto and firefighters Cornejo climbed the stairs of the hill, like a building. When you reach a safe area, withdrawal under fire and began to roll 52 mm material.
Claudio Cornejo went around with the python while Soto correcting the material. the tail of the "Sub Base" was lowered and carried to the pump by a neighbor. He then asked the leader to water.

Navy Sub base used in the call.

The deployment was difficult because of stairs without handrails, after an untimely wall was one meter tall and was to end the hillside with a slope lined with well-marked dry grassland forming a slippery film. This gradient caused the water loaded with material to be dragged down the hill, producing numerous breaks in the hoses.

The fire was brought under control in part due to the scope of the nozzle jet. For the next house a volunteer from the Twenty-Second (who came before B-22) moved to another line with Esmeralda material, the material used were 52 mm hoses horseshoes and 38 special .

line used by the second boast a horseshoe next to the stopcock, with the intention of extending the line on the uphill side if necessary, maneuver was not necessary. Then came

Q-8 (car partaescalas), B-22 and Z-18 (Tanker). It was not necessary to use the tank, since in the park there is a tap.

The fire was brought under control quickly with two pins, almost B-22 helped to strengthen personnel, armed not own horns. The Eighth Company

helped remove debris and volunteer to serve a violation of the Twenty-second.


is important to clarify that the fire, this one called, was on fire . This enabled a hose lying similar to a tall building, known as the "Navy Reverse" with broad strokes of the fire is going to pump.

When the fire is under fire with lots of trees, grass and brush is more reliable and safe to do a phased deployment of hoses and always charged, ie, it is recommended to use the "Package Circular" from above a python solid stream for the purpose of better cope with a strong wind down with "fast attack" is also charged with making prudent, but a "Navy Reverse" is out with the firefighters on the fire.

If the fire is under fire is not recommended to lower the dry line, a phased deployment is indicated.


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