Monday, January 17, 2011

If Spleen Enlarged Where Feel It


The sea is the cradle of all life, source of life, opens his secret to the world and gives us his most precious treasure: the HEALTH.

Rene Quinton, a scientist who only cared about the health of people, discovered the healing properties that had large sea. He made several experiments
that led him to fame, when it began in France the birth of the clinic he advanced sailors. They took care of malnourished children, saving their lives by injecting sea water.
also treated many adults in curing diseases with the same method. His fame spread and cure the world and marine clinics began to emerge in different countries. Quinton
theories, with the Evidence Law, gave us a vision of man and life-based health and balance holistic (treating the whole person, as an entity and not piecemeal .)
the purpose of this paper is widely known to mankind free properties of the sea, there are people who have followed the work of Quinton and work to implement it again, building clinics and marine oasis as permanent legacy to humanity.
Here's a video that explains the healing properties of seawater and the explanation of Laureano Dominguez, the follower of the work of Quinton.


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