Some say "do not deal with the past that the past no longer exists, but the past is alive, present, painful, in each of our cells, often causing disease.
The problem is simply that the past is past, that we leave behind as a frozen statue. But the past is to do this, alive, to transform its history, to read it in other code, to interpret the code of love, and, when we interpret the past in the code of love, our childhood wounds are healed. And here we are psychologists, psychiatrists, we can heal our lives we are all full of sorrow, pain and sometimes absurd, we carry on life without even recognizing that they exist.
breathing technique is very important, especially respiratory pause phase, why? Because when you breathe slowly and make a pause in inspiration, the power of the unconscious and the subconscious comes out, that is wondering what's going on here that are not breathing? At that time brings out the unconscious to consciousness a party who had not had access, which were victims but had not ever recognized in life, and then we can dialogue with the subconscious, and we draw our wounds deep. When we do that, we can go further, this is how we act to self-healing. I
I can say, for example, Where does this allergy ?,... if I have allergies and want to get rid of it. An allergy is something that rejection, a virus, bacterium, fungus, cold, heat, but that's not entirely true, that's too short. No people who are allergic only to cold, cold allergy sufferers are also afraid of loneliness, fear the cold of the soul, feeling cold, the coldness of the father or the mother, the disaffected, ie the cold is just a symbol. When I'm allergic to something, something I fear or rejection.
So if I change my allergies, I recognize my allergies. If I know I do not recognize my allergy because makes me feel shame, then work with shame: what things in life remind me of shame? Then experience the feeling of shame and embarrassment I see as an experiment, sometimes I get pale and cold, other times I get red as a tomato, another one experiment as a void or a hole at the solar plexus, I can experience in many ways. Where and how allergy experiment, it gives me an idea of \u200b\u200bthe part of my energy is compromised. Let's look at another sense, the fear, I would say half of our lumbago are in fear.
Fear causes more back pain that all herniated discs, all joint problems, all problems column, because fear makes metamos, literally, tail between legs, close the internal anal sphincter, at this level, there is a very important energy center and we are close to life, against all the lumbosacral muscles, that part is poorly watered and give us some terrible lumbago, back pain and that is the clinical name of fear.
If I recognize the core of fear, if I look at my body and I see that I have the butt and all the collapsed portion, if I breathe into the area and release the feeling of fear, and afraid to call and say "you're the best part of myself, and you reveal yourself when you climb, you're my understanding, you're not afraid, but you are cautious, you part of my love too. "When I, through breathing, achieving up the energy of fear, and achievement transmute the altar of the heart, where it really comes the man who can heal and can heal your life, then disappears lumbago.
My resentment, my hatred, often anchored in my joints. I'm so totally rigid. Sometimes with his fist clenched in the night, unconsciously, ready to hit and assault. Well, this joint pain, Resentment is frozen in that body part.
If I experience that pain and associate it with my feeling of anger and my resentment, and failed to understand that my resentment is something that is built in the solar plexus, which blocks the energy here and does not allow access to energy to my heart or my immune system, I can do much more than the rheumatologist, or I can really help to cure and heal my arthritis, and I am responsible, I have to wait for the rheumatologist I solve the problem.
The disease is my problem, not the medical problem, it is my responsibility, I also I have to do with it. Medicine can not be the art of passing the ball to the doctor because we pay.
The new medicine of consciousness, is the art of responsibility for our lives, and discovering that we can really do much for our life.
often see a person with cancer has had a shock, or a big emotional loss. If an emotional loss it causes an emptiness of such a dimension that becomes a power vacuum and allows cells to invade degenerate, is because it was attached, that is the problem of addiction that I must admit.
If someone goes and I live from love, from the detachment, I know that your consciousness is me, not leave it as moor. Many times we see someone who is dying dad or mom but do not let it go, this is literally true, gets part of its energy anchored to the solar plexus. That energy anchored can create panic attacks, hypertension, violent things in the clinic. If we can heal the person is your soul that heals.
The healer does not make the patient as a healer I am a magnet that will give the charge that his soul needs really is to rescue the self-healing, self, and freedom of others, to heal.
True healing is to give you the tools to help you, from your awareness, heal you, not from your rational consciousness, but from your feelings from your love from your love.
Often, when one is doing a healing, see the person, but has not said a word, began to mourn and get his resentment, and then feel a sense of peace, which is not my peace, His peace, the peace of Christ is also living in person being healed. Peace is there, has always been there, it's part of our essence, is simply to remove all those attachments, dislikes, feelings, separatism, all this cloak of ignorance, so that peace is revealed as it is, and when reveals peace, love germinates and sprouts when love, healing is possible, but what you have is a cancer or lupus.
But do not blame yourself if you do not succeed, because you participate also in the genetic problems of inheritance, of humanity as a group. This is not to believe superman, you can be proud and say "I'm sad because I do not cured cancer," that's not a failure, cancer is a teacher, sometimes we learn the lesson once, sometimes need ten opportunities and other maybe we need a hundred lives, but the important thing is to learn the lesson.
One does not learn medicine one day to another, is extremely complicated and difficult lessons.
graduates and we also specialize in the soul, the greater the challenge, the greater the opportunity for growth. I just I have given an example of how we can resume our emotions, identify our emotions, accept them, do not keep running away from them, so you can transmute.
But once we feel the emotion, there is a fundamental question what is the lesson to be below this negative emotion? What was the message, what I wanted to say this attitude and this disease? When I "do not say NO", in life, I end up resentful and angry, but anger is not the problem, anger is telling me reassure you must learn to say NO! ...
Anger is the best strategy of self-assertion. When I clear and transmute anger, anger becomes the healer is the best of my strength, my anger sweeps and cleans the house and do things faster, you have seen a housewife in her anger flits and lunch is made at ten o'clock.
I knew when my mom was angry, because at ten o'clock in the morning my house was like a mirror. So, anger is a form of energy that can transmute physically that transmutes physically, does not resolve the source of the anger, the source of anger is the need to assert themselves, and the need to assert themselves is need to give up the false complacency.
grow spiritually is not to say yes to everybody. Growth spiritual has nothing to do with the silly, forgive the expression, but a spiritual being is not to be stupid, and being tolerant is not to be silly, tolerance does not preclude the affirmation .
The affirmation is a condition of spiritual growth. So I have to find the lesson, under the negative event, because the negative event is only the appearance, in the shade. But remove the shade when the light opens a door, a lesson I can learn in my life.
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