Saturday, October 30, 2010

Osiris Bronx Shoe Red


The vertical farming, I read the other day, in the library, in the journal Scientific American ' the month of September, and flip through a pipe: I had the strong feeling that the solution to world hunger. You can plant potatoes, tomatoes, wheat, corn and a lot of things in skyscraper 30 storeys high, each floor is a full garden. Using techniques of hydroponics, aeroponics and drip irrigation, root plants without soil in a medium rich in nutrients.

These mills take advantage of the sewage from the cities to supply power to 4 skyscrapers of these features ... I read in the article, a typical human deposition of 250 g in a calorimeter yields about 300 Kcal.

The idea is to build those skyscrapers on the outskirts of cities, where the shaped network is cheap. And supply the whole region (including city) only with this. Apparently, these techniques do not require sunlight falls directly on plants.

While these skyscrapers are built, they will be releasing the land from traditional agriculture, for natural forest re-colonize it. As more forests will capture the CO2 and climate change will be reversed (if it is actually produced by the CO2: When in doubt, it imposes the principle of precaution).

is said that if all the inhabitants of the earth disfrutásemos the same standard of living than in the U.S., it would take 4 or 5 planets earth. Well, taking off crops up with vertical farming, we have these 4 or 5 lands.

The article was of Dickson Despommier, and he said, are already beginning to make the first trials sponsored by private companies and Universities.


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