Dear and beautiful beings of light, we return today to communicate with you to contribute to firmly hold the light.
Humans tend to connect with wonderful hopes and expectations, but usually by not seeing them reflected in his "reality", the release and forget, then resume them when something reconnects with the needs and desires of their souls.
The universe is more complex you can imagine. Every thought, every desire intense, is a concrete manifestation in a subtle level of creation. But that statement needs to be nurtured and sustained by its creators to achieve the necessary energy to manifest quantum realities denser as the third dimension where they hope to see their creations.
De-delusion not to see reflected their deepest desires to cut energy nutrition that were holding, and thus avoids the possibility of its manifestation in dense planes.
must persist. You must have faith and believe that good, beauty, truth, is possible at any level of existence.
By participating in a call to pray in unity, create a wonderful energy, colorful and with infinite shades. But then there are few who understand the importance summoned to sustain that energy to its full three-dimensional manifestation.
There are many proposals to pray for the planet Earth at this extraordinary time. They are very beautiful and most pure love comes from the heart.
However if you connect with one another, with each other and not argue, are being loving, well-intentioned but ineffective.
I invite you to feel from your heart, what is that which you resonate.
do you want to be reflected in their lives, humanity on the planet. And they have that intention clear and sharp in their hearts, put your conscious intention to capture and sustain their vision daily, without conditions "when" nor "hows."
hold only with love, hope and certainty that it is in the subtle planes, and internal commitment to nurture the vision to see it materialized in the dimension in which they dwell.
With infinite love for you
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