This sentence is" derived "version of" Our Father "prayer ecumenical ISSA (Yeshua). It is written in Aramaic, a white marble stone in Jerusalem / Palestine, on the Mount of Olives, as it was invoked by Yeshua. The Aramaic language was a native of Upper Mesopotamia (sixth century BC) and was the language used by the peoples of the region. Yeshua always the people spoke Aramaic.
Aramaic translation into English (without the interference of the Church) shows us how beautiful, deep and true is this prayer of Yeshua
Father-Mother, Breath of Life,
Sound Source, Action not words,
Creator of the Cosmos!
Shine your light within us,
between us and outside us, so we can make it useful.
Help us to keep moving just breathing the feeling that emanates from you.
Our I, on the same step, can be with You,
to walk as kings and queens with all other creatures.
That your desire and ours are one, in all the Light and in all forms,
in all individual existence, and in all communities.
make us feel the soul of the earth within us, then, in this way,
feel that there is wisdom in everything.
Let not the superficial and the appearance of things in the world will be deceived,
and free us from all that hinders our growth.
Let us not be forgotten that You are the Power and the Glory of the world, Song
renewing from time to time and everything beautiful.
That Your love is just where we grow our actions.
So be it!
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