Sunday, November 28, 2010

Appcrash Acad.exe

This recipe was copied from a blog some time ago, not aimed, and now I can not remember where it was, if you see the author of the recipe please tell me what to put this link.
is very easy to make and is very rich.


20 graham crackers 100 grams.
sugar 3 tablespoons caramel
800 ml.
Milk 200 ml.
cream 1 / 2 on curd


cookies with any food processor.

Mix crumbs with remaining ingredients. We beat them all with the blender and take it to the fire.

Stir until it begins to thicken and turn away from fire.

Pour the cream in glass cups and cold when we put in the fridge.

Hope you like

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Period Is Supposed To Start Today

Did you know? Extension Cords


A jet flow of a python than 470 lpm (125 gpm) would cause more damage than a python 1500 lpm (400 gpm).

Water damage on a property is mainly caused by the lack of training pitonero, who knows when to close or open the spout and not necessarily the flow capacity of the python.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Olive Oil For My Hair Trimmer


A recipe for when you are in a hurry, is prepared at a time and is scrumptious.

This chicken is prepared with Maggi envelopes, Oven Direct come with a bag inside and prepared to put the chicken. What is with herbs de Provence and garlic.

Puts chicken in the bag, you dump the herbal preparation and baking.
this time accompanied by some potatoes cut into segments to which is added, salt, black pepper, some paprika a little oil and beicont into pieces, put them in a baking dish half cooked chicken and put their potatoes.

A quick and easy recipe.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Buttons Which Side Male/female


Have not you ever wondered how many web pages seem magical? She wrote in our e-mail and automatically begin to receive regular emails about the subject that interests us ...

But where does that magic? How do they do?

Well, I present two online services GetResponse and Aweber that make our web pages to become faithful secretaries senders of information to our friendly subscribers.

The first, lets try the service free for up to 100 subscribers per campaign:

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GetResponse If I put a tutorial of how it works here:


The truth is that it is fine to try this technology free of charge, with the paint that is:

Hope you enjoy it and find it useful.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Antenna Web Canada 2010

This sentence is" derived "version of" Our Father "prayer ecumenical ISSA (Yeshua). It is written in Aramaic, a white marble stone in Jerusalem / Palestine, on the Mount of Olives, as it was invoked by Yeshua. The Aramaic language was a native of Upper Mesopotamia (sixth century BC) and was the language used by the peoples of the region. Yeshua always the people spoke Aramaic.
Aramaic translation into English (without the interference of the Church) shows us how beautiful, deep and true is this prayer of Yeshua

Father-Mother, Breath of Life,
Sound Source, Action not words,
Creator of the Cosmos!

Shine your light within us,
between us and outside us, so we can make it useful.

Help us to keep moving just breathing the feeling that emanates from you.
Our I, on the same step, can be with You,
to walk as kings and queens with all other creatures.

That your desire and ours are one, in all the Light and in all forms,
in all individual existence, and in all communities.

make us feel the soul of the earth within us, then, in this way,
feel that there is wisdom in everything.

Let not the superficial and the appearance of things in the world will be deceived,
and free us from all that hinders our growth.

Let us not be forgotten that You are the Power and the Glory of the world, Song
renewing from time to time and everything beautiful.

That Your love is just where we grow our actions.
So be it!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Calculator List Of Possible Combinations

This recipe was given to me a few years ago, my kids love and is done in a jiffy.


5 eggs 1 / 2 packet of crisps (the great)
grated cheese 1 / 2 onion 1 pepper
A little milk in cubes

Beat the eggs, add the potatoes, as we go throwing breaking.
We add a little milk (about 5 or 6 tablespoons). As we prepare the other ingredients, this mix we let it go wet. We start

onion into small squares and put it to soften, as we do with the pepper and bacon.

Once they are done then add to the mixture.

We put a little shredded cheese and mix well.
a frying pan with a few drops of oil and make the omelette as usual.
Hope you like it.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What Do Dots On Pregnancy Tests Mean

Healing the Soul of the archangel Gabriel MESSAGE

few weeks ago I had the grace to know with a highly spiritual being. His name is Raul Bagatello, is the founder of FUNIMA (Tomorrow's Children Foundation) which houses more than 1500 children every day range that may have a plate of food, clothing and medicine.
all started this year when my father told me that will be traveling to Cordoba to go see a healer who is in Capilla del Monte, Cerro there against Bird. On his return he told me that the experience was wonderful, it is a person who has the gift of healing, every first Saturday of each month. He tells me that the place is highly energetic, people working in the Foundation is very spiritual vibration and healing, he explains, is the spirit. by that I mean that healing occurs first in the soul (cleaning of karma) and from there, each one of those who have faith can heal your body. I explained that while there are people who must go through certain Karma, if faith is absolute, breaks with this parameter and healing occurs the physical body.
From this, without thinking, I'm going next month to Cordoba, and confirmed everything I had told my dad. I lived a unique, wonderful, unique. The love and harmony that is experienced there had not felt before.

Raul's story is fantastic. I leave a link for access to the website of the foundation and know their history. That began almost 20 years and still continues to grow

Here's a video I found so they can know and see the work he did with with FUNIMA and Giorgio Bongiovanni.

A kiss of light.

Cute Rhyme For 2 Year Old Birthday Party

8 / 11 REFLECTIONS Facundo Cabral

Dear and beautiful beings of light, we return today to communicate with you to contribute to firmly hold the light.

Humans tend to connect with wonderful hopes and expectations, but usually by not seeing them reflected in his "reality", the release and forget, then resume them when something reconnects with the needs and desires of their souls.

The universe is more complex you can imagine. Every thought, every desire intense, is a concrete manifestation in a subtle level of creation. But that statement needs to be nurtured and sustained by its creators to achieve the necessary energy to manifest quantum realities denser as the third dimension where they hope to see their creations.

De-delusion not to see reflected their deepest desires to cut energy nutrition that were holding, and thus avoids the possibility of its manifestation in dense planes.

must persist. You must have faith and believe that good, beauty, truth, is possible at any level of existence.

By participating in a call to pray in unity, create a wonderful energy, colorful and with infinite shades. But then there are few who understand the importance summoned to sustain that energy to its full three-dimensional manifestation.

There are many proposals to pray for the planet Earth at this extraordinary time. They are very beautiful and most pure love comes from the heart.

However if you connect with one another, with each other and not argue, are being loving, well-intentioned but ineffective.

I invite you to feel from your heart, what is that which you resonate.
do you want to be reflected in their lives, humanity on the planet. And they have that intention clear and sharp in their hearts, put your conscious intention to capture and sustain their vision daily, without conditions "when" nor "hows."

hold only with love, hope and certainty that it is in the subtle planes, and internal commitment to nurture the vision to see it materialized in the dimension in which they dwell.

With infinite love for you


Cannondale Grind Pants


The repeated failure of SETI (Search for Intelligent Life in the Universe) seem to indicate that if the technological development of a society is far superior to their social (as in our case), that society is doomed to disappear via hydrogen bombs and nuclear winter: only way to explain (with a high degree of correlation) that when we listen with our raiotelescopios the universe, it seems that we are alone (there were, yes, but no longer. The there, but will disappear).

As the Universe has 15 aeons (15 billion years), it is likely that this 'on-off' of technological civilizations so happens that 2 of them have never coincided in time (our technological civilization is about 100 years (radio-telecommunications)), and therefore the universe seems empty, because enriched uranium, or the fault of fusion energy (which gives us life finally takes it from us).

solution? That social and political development go always ahead of technological development. But why always do just the opposite? Because the brightest minds feel impossible fascinated by the challenges and politics is simply the science of the possible. So the best brains are devoted to science and normal minds are engaged in politics (which inexorably, it seems that leads to the end of the world).

must be obtained, as that the best minds engaged in politics if we want to be, for brief moments, the brightest star in our cosmic neighborhood.

We are facing what seems a universal law: that civilizations are doomed . Are we the exception? ...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

And You Buy A Platypus

in tight spaces

N ur "Horseshoes" used in all types of emergency calls, they can adapt to more limited space, when we set initially or when we need to extend the line from the shutoff valve.
Sometimes a hose of 15 meters may be too long when there's no room to display it comfortably. The intention of extending a hose is not only annoying form breaks that reduce flow and pressure, especially in high fire.

If deploying a hose in a small space.

The maneuver will NOT be the usual, "the center take the hose and move forward."

The move to implement is the "coil method," or "zig zag Circular."

One end (Python) should be behind the fireman.

The other end "against" the firefighter will be connected to the water outlet.

Each fold should be hung in the forearm.

Pass both hands inside the circle.

Open arms to expand the ring and move one leg circle.

Let the circle on the floor, then connect the joints. Set to leave the tap.

Once all together, the firefighter is ready to charge the line, when suits you.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sausage Draught Excluders Doors

spaghetti Thread

this recipe I saw in some blogs, I found it very funny and the kids sure love it.
just have to thread the sausage cut into slices in boiling spaghetti before, then make them like everyone used to it.

Can You Detect Std In A Urine Test


I just saw an amazing video which clearly explains how to get rid of overweight forever, easily, without dieting, without hunger and enjoying healthy food without having to control calories and without having you to kill the gym ...

If you've already tried almost everything without success to get rid of those extra kilos, I recommend that you see by clicking here: Eat to lose.

In the video, very nice to see, discover why kilos refuse to leave your body as well as the fast, simple and shall guarantee to say goodbye forever. The most effective method to lower belly.

The famous nutritionist Isabel de los Rios explains exactly what foods we should take and which to avoid to lose up to 4.5 kg the first week and maintain that loss until the desired body weight.

also explains how to stay in this ideal state without falling into the typical yo-yo effect. In short, is the definitive way to say goodbye to your weight.

Download ebook Eat to Lose:

If you want to download the book Eat to lose click here:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How To Build Mudroom Shelves


LF Richardson was a British meteorologist interested in war and collected data on hundreds wars occurred in our poor planet between 1820 and 1945. And with these empirical data produced the curve we can see here.

Richardson was interested in knowing the time to wait for a war that sweeps away a certain number of victims and for this he invented an index, M , the magnitude of a war . So a war of magnitude M = 3 would be a mere skirmish and only kill a thousand people (10 3 ). M = M = 5 or 6 would be most serious wars that killed 100,000 people (5 10) or one million (10 6). The first and second world war had higher magnitudes (in the graph we see that the 2 nd had a value of 7.7).

Richardson found that the more people died in a war less likely they were to occur, and more time would pass before witnessed. He suggested that if the curve extends to values M very small, leading to M = 0, it predicts the approximate global incidence of murders anywhere in the world someone is killed every 5 minutes. According to him, individual assassinations and large-scale wars are the two ends of a continuum, an unbroken curve.

In the diagram the solid line is the time to wait for a war of magnitude M, ie the average time we would expect to witness a war that kills 10 M people (where M represents the number of zeros after the one).

when the Richardson curve cuts the vertical bar, we have specified the time to wait for the day of reckoning, the years that will elapse until the entire population of Earth is destroyed in a great war. According to Richardson curve and simple extrapolation of the future growth of the human population, the two lines do not intersect until the 30th century, more or less, and the final trial is adjourned.

But the Second World War was of magnitude 7.7 and it killed about 50 million people. The advanced technology of death so sinister. Was first used nuclear weapons have done, but increase destructive power ever since. Therefore the top of the Richardson curve is moving down an unknown quantity. If your new position has been at some point in the shaded region of the figure, we have only a few decades until Doomsday.

Therefore, the dismantling of nuclear weapons should be the first and principal purpose of humanity if we want it to be safe than it is a real threat to the survival of our species.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Dad Masterbates On Me


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